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IntelliTec College in Grand Junction

Matthew Cline - profile photo Krysta Manzanarez - profile photo Zane Zufelt - profile photo Albert McClure - profile photo

52 Total Participants

Business Status Operational
Address  772 Horizon Dr, Grand Junction, CO 81506, United States
Plus Code  85FH4F89+GQ
Global +Code 4F89+GQ Grand Junction, Colorado, USA
Phone (970) 245-8101
Accessibility Wheelchair-accessible entrance

What visitors are saying

profile image The service was great the waiters wee so attentive 10/10 would dine again.
profile image Student refused to finish my haircut so the teacher just chopped some of.
profile image The staff there is amazing and it's a great place to get an education.
Read more reviews

Matthew Cline

2 years ago

The staff there is amazing and it's a great place to get an education. I am taking massage therapy and love it.

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Thank you for the kind review!

Krysta Manzanarez

2 years ago

My teacher said I would never find a job because I was “Mexican with big tattoos and that just looks bad”.

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
That is perfect. Thank you. On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 12:10 PM Shaun Daggett wrote: How about this? Ms. Manzanarez, our records indicate you were enrolled as a student over 16 years ago, we have looked into the matter and we have no record of this issue being brought to our attention back then. We take issues like this very seriously and we would be happy to speak with you about this. Please contact Cheryl Morris, the Campus Director to discuss further.

Zane Zufelt

2 years ago

The teachers care

Holden Caulfield

2 years ago

I merely looked into attending here, and it became regrettable so I decided to write this. Recruiters are clearly paid a commission by how much they hound you and don’t accept no as an answer. They have no problem encouraging you to take on $20,000 of debt just to make unremarkable mid to high teens an hour at best in GJ afterwards. After all only you are stuck with the debt while they prospered for it. Look at the very up front and reasonable pricing at the Delta Tech school before doing anything. And then start thinking about what car to get or a down payment on a house with the money saved by doing your research.

Albert McClure

3 years ago

If you want to learn a new skill this is the place

Denise Bear

3 years ago

It was such a fun experience. Just loved it!!!

Jeffrey Coxwell

3 years ago

School cared more about how my daughter pronounced her name than they did about helping her enroll. Dont waste your money

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Hello Jeffrey, we have no record of anyone with the name Coxwell attending or applying to attend our college, please reach out to me directly and I will be happy to speak with you personally. Cheryl Morris, Campus Director.

Melodi Lucius

3 years ago

We were there finishing my daughters enrollment for massage classes and their always very nice there.

Cereza Varela

4 years ago

Loved doing the Medical Assistant program. The instructors helped me get through school despite all my life's drama from an ugly custody battle, to my crying PTSD breakdowns. I not only have an education now, I'm a better person too. Extra special thanks to Chris G.

Cassidy Settle

4 years ago

Why do the staff members need to leave reviews? That desperate for reviews?? Was told if pass the exams at the end and become a registered MA, it would be nationally recognized...but when asking more and more about it, is when you're told not all states will accept what we receive and that some states will require more schooling.......some instructors were okay. Some not so much. Can't just go in to get information about a program either without being cornered with paperwork shoved at you to get signed up. Not that you get a whole lot of information. Just money hungry people looking for anyone and everyone to get signed up. Go elsewhere if you want to get schooling done. I left and they gave me less than a months notice to pay nearly $2,000. They dont care about the student. Melanie and Sam are the two I knew I could go to because they seemed to care, other staff, not so much. I feel bad for those who are being fooled.

Shannon Lee

5 years ago

I was so scared to go back to school because of my age and it’s been so long since I graduated from high school! But I told myself I got this! The instructors really pushed me to better myself! They had faith in me when I didn’t. They really know what they are doing and very informative! If you didn’t know something they would do everything in their power to make you understand. I loved the hands on training! Don’t be afraid to start something new and better yourself! It was the best decision I ever made! I’m now bettering my life for my son and I! Thank you to my wonderful instructors for everything!!!!

Sara Koch

5 years ago

When looking for a school to get into the medical field, I wanted something hands on. I am a very hands on learner and this place fit the bill. I love everything about this school. From the moment I walked in to talk to someone about my interest I was greeted with welcoming smiles. The process to start was painless and they help you through every step. When I started my first day of class I was very nervous because I did not have any background in medical. The instructors helped ease my mind and have been more supportive than I ever imagined. And the students are the best mentors. They have each other's back and help keep you motivated and stay on track! I have been to many different colleges/trade schools in my college career and I am so glad to have found and get to be a part Intellitec college!!!!


5 years ago

I am so glad I choose Intellitec College to earn my Medical Assisting certificate. All the other local medical programs seem to have waiting lists and prerequisites and are on a regular fall start schedule. With Intellitec I was able to start immediately and will be done in less than a year. I love all my instructors and I love the hands-on approach, especially all the lab time! Some schools you don't even get to actually draw blood but we get in over 100 sticks. If you want to be a medical assistant or phlebotomist this is the best place in the area.

Big Buda Z

5 years ago

Everyone is caring friendly and there to support you. They helped me with transportation since I have no car.

Leslie Barlow

5 years ago

Have not seen many groups of people who were so focused on helping each other grow and succeed. Faculty and staff are super supportive; and students are amazing, creative, and hard-working people that are fun to work with. Overall a positive experience.

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Thank you for the thoughtful review Leslie!


5 years ago

Teachers are awesome. Classes are vey detailed. Day or night classes are available. If you miss your morning class you can make it up in night class. They're extremely flexible and they CARE abou YOU if you have an issue talk to an instructor they WILL HELP YOU

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Thank you for the great review Jason!

Alex LeVan

5 years ago

Love this place. Earned a degree in refrigeration and make well over $30/hr now. They worked well with my schedule, helped place me in a job and were understanding when life happens. 18 months to earn a degree that will suit me the rest of my life is well worth it.

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
We love to hear success stories like this, thank you Alex!!

Sean Boesch

5 years ago

I really enjoy this school and the people here!

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Thank you for the 5-star review Sean!

Cheryl Morris

5 years ago

The campus has a great atmosphere. The students are upbeat and positive and the staff and faculty truly do care about the success of the students.

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Thank you for your thoughtful review Cheryl!

Ireen H

5 years ago

I enrolled in their cosmetology program and what a mess! In the classroom during term two I missed so much important information and when I went to the teacher for help I was just told it's ok you don't understand this you will learn more out on the floor. I pretty much felt like I had to teach myself. Once I got out to the floor things got even worse. The school has a VERY small regular clientele so if you can't bring in your own clients you are going to be working on your manaquin head every day. When you work on your manaquin you can't use any product other than conditioner so you don't get experience with using the actual chemicals you should be learning to use. You also can't see the results of your work so you can't visually determine if you did a good job or not. If you do need help with something good luck finding an instructor to help you unless you are one of their favorites. Also if you aren't a favorite of the instructor out on the floor have fun being constantly being picked on for your appearance and everything else you do. Girls that the teacher favored could leave for lunch for two hours No problem and never had to make up time while other girls could step out for a five minute break and the entire time have an instructor breathing down their neck. They also didn't have to follow dress code and would be praised for how cute they look while girls wearing dress code appropriate attire would be told they can't wear that. Another problem the school has is they never have even the most basic supplies in stock such as nail glue and hair color. The cleanliness of the school could be improved on, no one was around to make sure proper sanitation was being practiced and I can tell you people get lazy there and skip over important sanitation. The pedicure stools had dead skin and toe nail clippings in them from 10 different clients half the time. Once you get out on the floor theory was in the back of the salon not in a class room and at the time I was there we had no white board or proper seating/tables. Theory was another time where the favorite students could do what ever they please and have no points taken off their grade but if the teacher didn't like you they could mark you down for not participating just because they felt like it. You don't actually learn anything in theory they had us playing games the whole time that were not effective and difficult for everyone to be included in. Girls spoke up about the ineffectiveness of the games and asked to do more immersive activities but their request were ignored. Sometimes during theory we would have clients still in chairs receiving services in the middle of us trying to have class. When I attended the school the air conditioniner was broken in the middle of summer and I never once saw anyone come work on it even though the school has an HVAC program. While I attended the school the AC was never fixed. One of the sinks had fallen off the wall in the bathroom and was never fixed. There was also a shampooing sink that leaked water through the wall on to the floor and instead of fixing it they just put towels down on the floor. I left the course in September and by the end of November I still had not received my withdrawal analysis so I called main campus multiple times to ask about it but no one was ever there that could help me so finally about a week later someone called me back and told me they had sent it out in September. I told her I never received it and told her I can come in and get it so this time it for sure gets to me. She reassured me that was not necessary and she will resend it then asked me what my address is ,after giving it to her she read back the address to confirm it was correct and it was. Now it's February and I still don't have my paper work. To top it off I have been receiving calls And bills from intellitec that I owe them almost $500 when my tuition was paid up front in full and I withdrew from the course before I was even halfway through it.

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Sara, thank you for your feedback. We know that the leadership in Grand Junction has tried numerous times to reach out to you and would like to assist you in anyway possible. We would suggest that you reach out to them by calling (970) 245-8101. We definitely want to see our students thrive in careers that fit their personality and passion.

Cindy Long

5 years ago

I will be starting in February, awesome people friendly atmosphere

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Thank you for your positive review!

Mr. Mystery

6 years ago

The service was great the waiters wee so attentive 10/10 would dine again.

Sam Trujillo

6 years ago

The people and students are very nice!

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Thank you, Sam!

Naomi Aneloski

6 years ago

I graduated from this "college" in 2010. I would like to point out that the recruiters get paid commission. Because of this, I was told that i would be able to make $17/hr working as a medical assistant in a hospital once I graduated. When i did graduate, with a GPA of 3.8, all I was able to get was a job that paid $9/hr. When I moved out of state and tried to get a decent job, i was told that my degree wasn't any good because this school is NOT medically accredited. I was told the same thing when i tried to work in a hospital. I was out of my field for too long by the time i came back to Colorado that i couldn't get hired to be a medical assistant. In early 2016, I went to the Intellitec in Colorado Springs to try to get help getting back in my field, i was promised the ability to audit some classes and get help re-certifying. I have not been able to get anyone to call me/email me back now. Now i am paying back $20,000 in student loans for a career that i don't even get to have. Thanks, Intellitec for getting me to go into debt on a lie!

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Naomi, thank you for your comments and making us aware of your situation. At IntelliTec we are always willing to help our graduates. Our Career Services department would be happy to assist you with job leads in the Colorado Springs area. Unfortunately, as you didn’t sit for the Registered Medical Assistant exam upon graduating, it does it make it more difficult to find employment, but not impossible. Also unfortunately, it is not up to IntelliTec College on individual States’ certifications. Our medical assistant program has changed drastically over the years to be more streamlined and career focused for our employers. As classes are so different from when you attended IntelliTec auditing may not be an option, but one we will certainly look into. Regarding admissions, they have never worked on commission. We strive to provide proper training of all our admissions representatives to deliver the most up to date information to a prospective student. We are accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and College (ACCSC) and endeavor to meet their standards. IntelliTec College continues to provide excellent career training for over 30 years now in the Grand Junction, CO area. Please contact the Grand Junction campus Career Services office for assistance with updating your resume and job searching.

Heather Chapman

7 years ago

Worst hair cut ever done by a teacher. Student refused to finish my haircut so the teacher just chopped some of. Both student and teacher were rude. Teacher wouldn't even listen to me as to why I just wanted to speak to a teacher, all I wanted was my hair cut finished. Her last rude comment was teachers don't cut the hair. Well I never asked for that. I would never recommend them.

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Thank you for your review. Your concerns are extremely important to us as we value all of our clients. As our students learn hands-on in the salon, we strive to teach and demonstrate the value of great customer service. We would love the opportunity to speak with you so we may have a better understanding of what occurred and how we may repair our relationship with you as a client. Please give us a call at 970-241-3452, and ask for Dianne. Thank you!

DeAnn Phipps

7 years ago

How can you still be open, when all others closed their doors?

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
IntelliTec College is still very much open. ITT closed last year, which has NO affiliation with IntelliTec. IntelliTec Colleges is still enrolling, graduating, and employing students! For more information, please call 970-245-8101.

Jarrod Danielson

7 years ago

Worst college I have ever attended . All they care about is money . I was paying all that money to basically teach myself . Mayd it so I had to pay them almost a grand that my loans some how didn't cover and gave me 30 days to pay it . All they care about is money no sympathy

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Jarrod, we were sorry to see you have to leave IntelliTec College, as we value every one of our students. Our hope is that when you are ready to return to school, that we can help you every step of the way. Please give us a call so that we may answer any questions regarding your accounting. Thank you and we wish you well!

Kent Kirkwwod

7 years ago

awesome learning environment and great instructors very willing to help you in all aspects of class! all staff there to help in life troubles to help you succeed in your career i would recommend it to anybody wanting to better them self's in life.

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Thank you for the amazing review, Kent! We take great pride in serving our students and providing quality training. We appreciate knowing that our efforts have made a positive change in our students' lives. Thank you again, and be sure to get with Pam Waterman for assistance with job placement. 970-245-8101

Shyanne Padovano

8 years ago

I loved the cosmetology campus and had an awesome experience with schooling there. The teachers and well educated and do there best to help you understand everything. Almost every girl gets licensed so that can tell you something! The best thing is the free coffee haha. I highly recommend this school and they are set on helping you find a job when you graduate.

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Shyanne, It was a pleasure to provide an education for you. You are a passionate and dedicated Cosmetologist! Congratulations on passing your practical boards and we know you will do just fine as you prepare for your written exam. You are so talented with makeup and very conscious and precise with doing hair. We were blessed to have you as a student! Remember that you will always be part of the IntelliTec family!

Jamie Wilke

8 years ago

I toured this school and am considering their hvac program. I'm looking for recommendations from current student - can anyone tell me what they think about this school and the hvac education you got?

Linette Miller (Lin)

8 years ago

Making the decision to go to IntelliTec was one of the best I have ever made. The instructors and staff are dedicated, caring, and knowledgeable. The hands on training was amazing and gave me confidence in my abilities. I am a recent graduate and with help and guidance from the staff at IntelliTec I was hired by a great practice at the end of my externship.

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Thank you for the wonderful review Linette! We are very happy to hear of your success. You did it! You put in the time and hard work and it paid off! GREAT job!

Benjamin Kassaw

8 years ago

I went to this school. COMPLETE JOKE! They are a 100% for profit school. They don't care about the students at all or what happens when the market is flooded with low knowledge graduates. Secondly, if a professor disagrees with something they just fire him or her. In the 18 months I was there we had 3 professors get fired or forced out because they said they disagreed with the school. The federal government needs to audit this school. They forces so many expenses on the students, and force people to get loans. I was paid for by the VA and they tried to get me to get a high interest loan....why? Because they make more money....this place is horrible. They.flood the local work force with dumb people. They honestly don't prepare people for work. DON'T GO HERE. SAVE YOUR MONEY AND GO TO CMU OR MOVE. JUST BEING HONEST.

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
We always strive to take care of our students and graduates. If you would like job search assistance, please contact Pam Waterman in Career Services at 970-245-8101.

Angela Newman

8 years ago

I attended IntelliTec in 2014! The instructor was fun to learn from and when I graduated, I graduated with my certification in the field I studied for. I wouldn't have been able to pass my certification if I had tried to go it on my own. If I had it to do all over again I would.

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Thank you for the wonderful review Angela! We are very happy you enjoyed your education here and realized your potential. Congratulations on passing your certification!

Trish Reed

8 years ago

IntelliTec changed my life! I was scared to go back to school, but the faculty and staff are amazing in that they truly care and want the students to succeed. Thanks to this school, I now have a fulfilling career in a wonderful company.

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Thank you for the great review Trish! We are very happy you had a wonderful experience and have found success after all your hard work. Good job!

Nathan Farris

8 years ago

I am a graduate of IntelliTec College Grand Junction. I graduated last February 2015 as a Regestered Medical Assistant and Phlebotomy Technician, and was able to find work immediately with the assistance of IntelliTec's Career Services staff. My experience there was fantastic; from the instructors who were always available to help me out, and the staff who were always there to lend me a hand. Although the classes were challenging, I was always able to meet my deadlines, even while working a full time job and managing a family. Like anything in life; you only get out what you put in. By putting my best foot forward, and relying on my training and experience that I gained at IntelliTec; I have been able to land a career, not just some job. The education I recieved at IntelliTec has prepared me for any challenge in my field, and I can never thank my instructors enough. To current students, and to those thinking of becoming future students of IntelliTec, no matter what course of study you choose, you've made the right choice.

Reply from IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
Thank you very much Nathan for your review of our college. We strive to provide great education to our students so they may have a great career ahead of them. We are happy to hear you are doing so well! Thank you again!